Tuesday 15 September 2015

At First Sight - Revisited

Forgive me Father for I have been absent. It’s been almost ten months since my last post…

Aham! I mean... Hello, void! Since everyone seems to have forgotten this blog (which was kind of intentional on my part), I can make a few confessions now. Actually, I have just one confession to make (wow, that forgive me father sentence actually fits here). I have experienced love at first sight recently. Yeah, I know, I know... No, I'm much better now, but thanks for worrying!

Well, it wasn't actually love. It wasn't even passion (actually, instead of passion I'm going to say inloveness™, in English passion is a bit different from the feeling of being in love). There isn't really a name for what it was, and I'm not going to bother finding or inventing one. It was something. But it made me rethink my previous At First Sight post and arrive to the conclusion that I need to retract myself. I had said that love at first sight was just an afterthought. I had said that it was a lie. I was wrong. It is not. Love at first sight is REAL, people! Wait... are you saying that I had already admitted that it was real in the first post? That's funny, because besides being still real, technically it is still an afterthought (I'll explain next). Maybe I don't need to retract that much...

So if you remember the first post, or went to read it again, you know that I then tried to define what "at first sight" meant exactly. Was it the first second, the first minute, the first day... Well, from my hands-on experience, it's definitely not the first second, or the first minute. You can say it's within the first day, but I think a more accurate definition is to say that "at first sight" is really an afterthought. The very first afterthought. That's right, when you say "at first sight" what you actually mean is "at first afterthought".

OK, let's get to what actually happens. And you might be disappointed to know that, in the very first moments... nothing happens. Now, don't blame yourself for not being able to fall in love on the first instant, it's not your fault. The first time you meet and start talking, you're too busy talking to them, analyzing them, getting to know them.Your brain is not wired to figure out if you like them or not at that point: it's too busy acquiring and processing information (and your heart? Well, don't tell this to anyone, but it's only pumping blood, it doesn't really play a part in all of this. Shhh...). It's only when you leave them that the magic happens. When you leave them there's this feeling that comes up, a feeling that says nothing but this:

I want to see her again.

So it's not an afterthought in the sense of the first post, where you only realize that it was love at first sight when you're already together and probably with kids. It's an afterthought that you have on the very first day, right after meeting her for the very first time. And - and this is the really interesting part - you will hold on to that feeling for the days to come. You grab it and don't let go, and that's how it grows on you. You start overanalyzing them, figuring out what you like about them and what you don't, completing dismissing what you don't and focusing mostly on what you do.

And them you actually see them again, once, twice, three times. And you may feel like you like them at that time, or you may not: you can actually be surprised by some of their traits and think that maybe that's not the person for you. But nevertheless, once you leave them, that after-feeling persists. And over time you realize you can't stop wanting to see them again. And that's when you may start to experience inloveness™.

Of course, it can all go bad at some point. Like I said before, she may have a boyfriend, or be moving to the other side of the world, or just simply not like you back. But, whatever happens, that feeling from that first sight love is not forgotten. That memory of your first afterthought remains, and it's always nice to think about.